Wednesday, August 26, 2009

At 24...

You Have Awoken to the fact that life is unexpected and full of surprises-good and bad.

You have seen that the World is Big enough to be non existent yet Small enough to matter lots

Fallen in love.. several times.. to know what its like-Really like.

Realized who your true friends are and why they value you

Know what who means

Know what you want

Past the phase of dreaming beyond you can get

Burning wit passion and fire to get there

Aren’t afraid to face your fears anymore-however hard they be

Know your flaws and how to protect yourself against them

Been through enough experiences to last a lifetime

Aren’t afraid to cry

Know you can make people smile

You know that Kids are God’s most amazing creations.

Know the beginning to the end is near enough to reach

Prepared to take on the world

Made Sacrifices, Compromises

Fallen and risen several times over

Hurt and been hurt and felt enough pain

Lowered your goals to be realistic enough to attain

Made people laugh and made memories last

Treasured precious moments and held on when things got impossible and rough

Fought for things you have believed in and stayed convicted to it

You know what’s true what’s Real.

Still Dare To Dream and know they come true

you have a fair understanding to judging people as they are

you believe in God.. more

you believe in yourself.. absolutely

you know what makes you infinitely irreplaceably happy

you know even better what Can Destroy you completely,

you know yourself inside out pretty much entirely.

where you should go.. how to get there. how to be..

you know what you want.. what matters

Realized family comes right on top

Worked hard .. Achieved some level of success

Stayed up nights lost in contemplation

Realized certain facts and true

Believe in hope destiny angels and miracles

You have faith in the impossible seems

Tasted failure. Felt heartbreak. Been shattered, disillusioned even suicidal.

Still believe in Angels and Miracles- you are fortunate to have them/see them ;-)

At 24- you want to give more than you can get. You want to take more than you can have.

You are still haunted by your fears, you still wake up to nightmares.

You realize you crave your ultimate peace. Your insomnia is something you can control

Your thoughts are something you can blank out. Sanity is something you Are Capable of.

You are aware that the journey is still long and tough

You want to be respected….admired….inspired.

You want to make a difference-change lives.

Do something to the world that matters… make a mark.. create a diffence..

Are glad for your education.. see the importance of it,

Pretty guarded

Know how much money matters in the end

Know that it isn’t The most important thing also

Have learnt to respect.. accept

Stil feel pain sorrow..hurt

Had Heartbreaks

Made persistent relentless efforts

Know when to give up and let go-

Impacted someone deeply.. left impressions

You look out for Signs.;-)

Feel emotions

Hear and voices

Follow shadows

Developed an Ability to Relate.. Connect

Traveled the world enough to know what to

Tasted real loneliness

Been depressed crushed

Laughed till you cried


Been on cloud 9 with pride and joy

Leant to pretend to be okay to fake laughter.

To hide feelings emotions

To forgive.. not forget.. to find meaning and reason

To be sure of things you need to be sure

You see resources and potential everywhere

You are glad for your life. to god. To experiences

You want More.

You fill your world with pictures and sounds

You remember the minutest things that never mattered

You take chances. Risks

Made sense to at least one soul at some point

Been tired enough to give up.

Felt regret

Seen miracles

Been haunted by Ghosts of the past

Treasured letters…pictures..

Written endless . Spoken to yourself.

Seen Life Beyond.-envisioned. Pictured. Made sketches.

Felt Gratitude . Thankful to God. Smiled.

Cried yourself to sleep

Lied. Hidden. Kept Secrets to yourself.

Wished you could stand on top of the world.. scream